Instructions for Denture Care
Learning to wear new dentures takes a lot of effort and patience, but with time you can learn to use them well. Your dentures will need to be adjusted periodically by your dentist. The following suggestions will help to answer some questions that you may have during your first few weeks of denture wear.
Soreness is to be expected in your mouth during your period of adjusting to your new dentures. In most instances, the type and location of sore spots will be a guide for the dentist to know where to adjust your denture. Wear your dentures constantly for the next 48 hours (including overnight until your adjustment appointment). Only take them out to rinse after eating. NEVER TRY TO ADJUST YOUR DENTURES. The cause for your soreness may require one or more adjustments. Only your general dentist can decide what adjustment are needed. You will see your general dentist for all adjustments of your dentures.
Do not expect your dentures to feel natural or comfortable at first. If this is your first set of dentures, you may find that you have some adapting to do. A feeling of fullness is perfectly natural. Your dentures will be imposing on the former position of your facial muscles. The muscles in your lips, cheeks and tongue will adjust. At first, your muscles will tend to displace your dentures, but you will learn new muscle habits. Do not form habits of loosening your dentures with your tongue or lips.
Learning to chew well with dentures normally requires a minimum of 6 to 8 weeks. You should begin by chewing relatively soft food that is cut into small pieces. Do nottry to test your new dentures on difficult foods. Crunchy and chewy foods should be avoided until after your period of adjustment, and even then, these foods can be quite challenging. Please consult your dentist on their recommendation of specific food choices and techniques to assist in chewing.
At first you may have some trouble speaking properly with your new dentures. Some of this trouble is caused by dentures and some of it by your psychological awareness of new dentures. Your tongue is a fantastically adaptable muscle and research has shown that it will adapt to almost any change in a few weeks. You can gain confidence by practicing your speech reading aloud in front of a mirror.
Never place your dentures in extremely hot water. Brush your dentures thoroughly at least twice a day with a specially designed denture brush (a toothbrush will suffice if you don’t have a denture brush). Do not use toothpaste or any other abrasive substance. Your general dentist will give you more detailed instructions on how to clean and maintain your dentures.
Do not wear your dentures at night (except the initial 48 hours). When your dentures are left out, they should be kept in water. Never allow your dentures to dry out. The plastic portion can distort if allowed to dry.
Please contact your dentist with any questions or concerns regarding your dentures or our office with questions or concerns regarding the surgical area.